Lucy d’Auvergne

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Artist’s Statement

Animals have been  a lifelong passion and I have explored other species professionally through Filmmaking, Academic Research (MSc, PhD), Behaviour Consultancy (MSc), and Art. I have been privileged to work with a diverse range of species from great apes and big cats to red foxes and otters. I love to get beneath the surface of an animal – understand what makes each one ‘tick’ as an individual and capture something of the energy of that individual in its natural state. This is what inspires and drives me creatively.

Bringing the threads of my scientific and creative pasts together to forge a path as an animal sculptor has been a long-cherished goal. My specialism is realist sculpture, working primarily on commissions, portraits, and exhibition pieces. I sculpt each subject in clay then casting in bronze or cold-cast metals. Clay is a wonderful medium through which to explore movement and energy, and this together with a naturalistic ‘essence of being’ is what I am evolving in my work.

I am a passionate conservationist and aim to use my work to spark interest and a deeper appreciation of other species – both endangered, exotic animals and the more understated species which share our own landscape.

Lucy d’Auvergne, animal sculptor, Devon
By arrangement.
contact Lucy